Diabetes Annual Review

We annually invite our registered diabetic patients to be seen by our Practice Nurse for a routine check.  This check is very important to ensure that all is well and to answer any questions you might have relating to your diabetic control.  

You will need to make an appointment for a blood test followed by a follow up appointment for review. Please take any medication as normal with water. Please bring a urine sample with you if you have not already sent one off.

Our Practice Nurse will review you and will carry out some checks including weight and foot examination.  This appointment will take approximately 30 minutes.  If the nurse has any concerns, or you would like a further appointment to discuss things in greater depth with your own registered doctor, Reception will arrange a mutually convenient time for you at a later date.

The aims of this service are to ensure that all our diabetic patients have a regular medical check and the opportunity to discuss anything relating to their diabetes with a member of our Primary Health Care Team.  We would envisage annual checks, unless it is deemed more appropriate for you to be seen on a more frequent basis.  

We hope that you will take up this opportunity to ensure that together we can achieve the best care for our diabetic patients.